The working group of “High Voltage Electric Networks” CJSC headed by General Director Hayk Harutyunyan visited to "Ashnak" and "Vanadzor-1" substations of the company to get acquainted with the reconstruction works at substations.
220/110/10 kV "Ashnak" and 110/10/6 kV Vanadzor-1 substations are being reconstructed by the funds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) in the frameworks of “Additional Financing of Electricity Supply Reliability Project” and “Electricity Transmission Network Improvement” Loan Projects. Reconstruction works of substation are being implemented by the Chinese Company “Xian Electric Engineering Co., Ltd.”.
Within the framework of this Project it is foreseen to replace worn and obsolete equipment of substation aimed at increasing the reliability of the power transmission network, reducing the number of emergency outages resulted by the equipment failure as well as reducing the operating costs.
The working group of "High Voltage Electric Networks" Company observed the construction process at the sites of "Ashnak" and "Vanadzor-1" substations, discussed works execution time-schedule and the Project completion deadline issues.