
December 22 – Energy Workers Celebrate Their Professional Holiday: Energy Worker’s Day

Dear Employees,

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday—Energy Worker’s Day, as well as the upcoming New Year and Christmas.

Your work is of vital importance for the development of our country and the well-being of our people.

"High-Voltage Electric Networks" is one of the key links in the republic’s energy system, whose uninterrupted operation ensures the progress of our country’s economy and the prosperity of society. By preserving and developing the rich traditions of the energy sector, your dedicated efforts and responsible work contribute daily to strengthening the energy system, making it even more stable and secure.

I wish you a successful year filled with new achievements. May the coming year 2025 be a year of new projects, peaceful work, and well-being for all of us.

Reliable partner, reliable system

Credit and grant programs

Caucasus Transmission Network I-III (Armenia-Georgia Transmission Line/Substations) Project, financed by KfW Bank

“ Electricity Transmission Network Improvement’’ Loan Project Reconstruction of 220/110/6 kV «Ararat-2» substation

“Electricity Supply Reliability Project - Additional financing” LoanProject Reconstruction of “Vanadzor-1”, “ Charentsavan-3 ” “Zovuni” substations

“Construction of Iran-Armenia 400kV Power Transmission Line and Related Substation” (400/220/20kV «Noravan»)» Project


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