
Happy Energy Worker’s Day

Dear Colleagues,
On December 22, the shortest daylight day of the year, energy workers celebrate their professional holiday.
A developed and highly secure energy system is the key to our country’s stable development and economic progress. Behind the achievements in the energy sector stand dedicated professionals who honorably continue the work and traditions of their predecessors.
Dear energy workers, I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you safe and productive work, as well as new achievements for the advancement of Armenia’s energy sector.

Reliable partner, reliable system

Credit and grant programs

Caucasus Transmission Network I-III (Armenia-Georgia Transmission Line/Substations) Project, financed by KfW Bank

“ Electricity Transmission Network Improvement’’ Loan Project Reconstruction of 220/110/6 kV «Ararat-2» substation

“Electricity Supply Reliability Project - Additional financing” LoanProject Reconstruction of “Vanadzor-1”, “ Charentsavan-3 ” “Zovuni” substations

“Construction of Iran-Armenia 400kV Power Transmission Line and Related Substation” (400/220/20kV «Noravan»)» Project


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