
Rehabilitation of \"Agarak 2\" and \"Shinuhayr\" substations

Within the mission of Asian Development Bank on April 19, working meeting held in "High Voltage Electric Networks" CJSC during of which was discussed implementation process of "Reconstruction of Electricity Transmission Network" project financed by the Asian Development Bank, works done to date, as well as procurement and supply problems. In the framework of "Reconstruction of Electricity Transmission Network" project financed by the Asian Development Bank is being implemented reconstruction of "Agarak 2" and "Shinuhayr" substations of HVEN CJSC.

General Director of "High Voltage Electric Networks" CJSC Arthur Baghdasaryan welcomed the guests and gave his positive estimation for the work progress implemented in the framework of the project. By his wording a working visit was organized to the "Agarak 2" and "Shinuhayr" substation sites during of which was observed the implemented works carried out by the project contractor Liaoning-EFACEC Electrical Equipment Co. LTD and Northeast China International Electric Power Corporation.

Mr Baghdasaryan highly appreciated the effectiveness of cooperation with the Аsian Development Bank.

Manager of "Rehabilitation of power transmission network" project, representative of ADB Tianhua Luon mentioned that the project "Rehabilitation of power transmission network" is the first project in this sphere implemented by ADB. By his wording, the contractor must have a high responsibility for completing the works within the defined deadlines. Tianhua Luon assured that the Asian Development Bank is ready to cooperate within the framework of other projects.

Representatives of Asian Development Bank visited "Agarak 2" and "Shinuhayr" substation sites and got acquainted with the process of reconstruction works.

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