The subject of the meeting which was organized with the view of familiarizing was the “Caucasus Power Transmission Network’’ (Armenia-Georgia overhead transmission line/substations) which is of strategic importance for Armenia’s Energy system inasmuch as through the 500/400/220kV high-voltage direct current converter station located in “Ayrum” substation will be possible to connect Armenia and Georgia, Russian and Iranian energy systems, enhance the security of regional energy systems, as well as ensure parallel work opportunities.
Besides, connecting together Armenian and Georgian energy networks will be possible to provide the South Caucasus region with reliable, flexible and mutually beneficial cross-border exchange electric power capabilities.General Director of “High Voltage Electric Networks” Artur Baghdasaryan expressed confidence that cooperation with KFW bank will be quite effective and will be implemented at high level.
Sandra Lutz congratulated Artur Baghdasaryan on his new appointment. She noted that cooperation of "KFW bank-High Voltage Electric Networks" has decades of history and expressed willingness to continue working together within the framework of quite complicated and interesting program of "Caucasus power transmission network".