
6 companies are participating in the competition for construction of “Armenia-Georgia overhead transmission line”

Today started up the competition for selection of General Contractor in the framework of “Caucasus Transmission Network-I” (“Armenia-Georgia Transmission line" project financed by German Development bank (KfW). In the framework of Lot 2 for reconstruction of overhead transmission lines the following Companies submitted their bids: Sinohydro Corporation LTD /China/, Isolux Ingeneria /Spain/, Kaplataru Power Transmission limited /India/, Dalekovod JSC /Republic of Croatia/, ՕՕՕ Kaskad-Energo /Russian Federation/ and KEC International limited /India/.

In the framework of “Caucasus Transmission Network-I” Lot 2 project the General Contractor will carry out the construction of 500/400/220kV overhead transmission lines which will pass through the regions Lori and Tavush and will be stretched until the board of Georgia - northern neighbor of Armenia, in the result of which Armenia will become a transit country of electricity transmission.

General Director of “High Voltage Electric Networks” CJSC Artur Baghdasaryan greeted the participants and mentioned that after exploitation of “Armenia-Georgia overhead transmission line" will be reduced energy transmission losses and will be enhanced the expansion of Energy power cross-border trade in the region which will enable Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Islamic Republic of Iran to start mutually beneficial quadripartite cooperation in the Energy system.

Reliable partner, reliable system

Credit and grant programs

Caucasus Transmission Network I-III (Armenia-Georgia Transmission Line/Substations) Project, financed by KfW Bank

“ Electricity Transmission Network Improvement’’ Loan Project Reconstruction of 220/110/6 kV «Ararat-2» substation

“Electricity Supply Reliability Project - Additional financing” LoanProject Reconstruction of “Vanadzor-1”, “ Charentsavan-3 ” “Zovuni” substations

“Construction of Iran-Armenia 400kV Power Transmission Line and Related Substation” (400/220/20kV «Noravan»)» Project


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