Minister of Territorial Administration and infrastructures Gnel Sanosyan visited to Syunik Region with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ambassador of Iran to Armenia Badakhshan Zohouri on 20.01.2023.
The first visit of delegation was at construction site of Iran-Armenia 400 kV overhead transmission line and relevant substation, particularly in 400/220/20 kV “Noravan” substation area, where they have considered the progress of the works. The construction works of the substation are being carried out by the Iranian “Sunir” company.
The Iran-Armenia 400 kV overhead transmission line and relevant substation project has a strategic importance for Republic of Armenia. The objective of the project is to enhance power flows between RoA and IRI from 350MW to 1200MW, increase the reliability and stability of RoA and IRI energy systems parallel operation, as well as the security level of RoA energy system by strengthening the North-South energy connection of the Republic, to fully use the capacity of Iran-Armenia gas pipeline in the framework of the “Gas in exchange for electricity” project.
By the wording of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ambassador of Iran to Armenia Badakhshan Zohouri there were problems connected to the work process in the past which have been overcome and the works are progressing quite well. “I hope that the power transmission line will be commissioned in the near future”, said the Ambassador.
652 foundations out of 711 towers of transmission line have been concreted, 481 towers have been installed. 618 towers have been imported. Installation and stringing works of over 70 km conductors out of foreseen 268 km have been carried out in the span of towers. The concreting and installation works of foundations of high voltage equipment of “Noravan” substation have been completed, generally the low voltage and relay protection and automation equipment have been imported. The completion of works is foreseen by the end of 2023.
After the visit, a conference dedicated to investment projects in the infrastructure sector was held in city Sisian with the participation of representatives of Iranian various companies. With the opening speech the Minister Mr. Sanosyan outlined that a large volume of construction works is being carried out in Armenia, which is a good opportunity for cooperation with Iran, hence it is necessary to promote the Iranian leading companies to participate more actively in the tenders carrying out for it.
“The main massage for this meeting is to draw the attention of Iranian partners to construction organizations for implementing construction works in Armenia. We realize that it will be much easier for Iranian partners to work in Syunik from geographical point of view as well. Armenia is ready to support the Iranian companies to easily get involved and work in economy of RoA”, said the Minister.
During the conference the participants were presented with the investment opportunities in the fields of energy, road construction and water reservoir construction.