On May 9, “International Trophy for Quality 2016” award ceremony was held in Paris organized annually by the “Global Trade Leaders' Club”. Twenty-eight countries were participating in the ceremony, including "High Voltage Electric Networks" CJSC of Armenia which was awarded this prestigious prize for high quality. This Trophy is awarded annually to recognize companies from all sectors, distinguished by the quality of their products or their services. The aim of “Global Trade Leaders' Club” is to support the establishment of economic and business relationship among the partners of different countries bringing together 7500 partners from 95 countries around the world carrying out activities in different spheres of the economy - production, service and etc. This year among the leading companies of the world "High Voltage Electric Networks" CJSC representing Armenia, was awarded this prestigious prize for its implemented activities in the energy sector, remarkable achievements, development projects, successfully implemented investments, consistent work, as well as high quality and services. This international award allows to become a full member of the Global Trade Leaders Club, which in its turn enables to nominate candidates of other organizations to the next prize Awards. According to “High Voltage Electric Networks” CJSC General director Aram Ananyan the “Global Trade Leaders' Club” award is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of the world's leading companies, to acquire new professional partners and investors. In fact, at the end of the last year at a conference of the National Council of CIS standards, "High Voltage Electric Networks" CJSC has been awarded the golden prize of the "Quality mark" for meeting the requirements of International Standards on Quality control Criteria applicable in the system.