
“High Voltage Electric Networks” CJSC celebrating its 25th anniversary

“High Voltage Electric Networks” CJSC celebrating its 25th anniversary. The company was established on July 20, 1998, by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia and has been playing an important and crucial role in the energy system of Armenia for a quarter of a century.

Over the past 25 years, the company has gone through a serious way of establishment, various modernization projects have been implemented and are being implemented, the purpose of which is to improve the efficiency of the energy system of our Republic, minimize losses, increase the productivity of the internal power transmission network and the reliability of power supply in the region.

On July 26, on the occasion of the company's 25th anniversary Acting general director of "High Voltage Electric Networks" CJSC Karen Hovhannisyan, congratulated the employees and wished them safe and fruitful work. Karen Hovhannisyan awarded 25 employees with "Argishti A" honorary silver commemorative medal for their contribution to the Energy system, conscientious and efficient activity.

Reliable partner, reliable system

Credit and grant programs

Caucasus Transmission Network I-III (Armenia-Georgia Transmission Line/Substations) Project, financed by KfW Bank

“ Electricity Transmission Network Improvement’’ Loan Project Reconstruction of 220/110/6 kV «Ararat-2» substation

“Electricity Supply Reliability Project - Additional financing” LoanProject Reconstruction of “Vanadzor-1”, “ Charentsavan-3 ” “Zovuni” substations

“Construction of Iran-Armenia 400kV Power Transmission Line and Related Substation” (400/220/20kV «Noravan»)» Project


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