The working group of “High Voltage Electric Networks” CJSC, with leadership of Acting general director Davit Mirzoyan, visited “Ararat-2”, “Noravan”, “Shinuhayr” and “Agarak-2” substations on October 13-15.
The purpose of the working visit was to get acquainted with the progress of the reconstruction projects implemented in the substations, as well as the completed works, to discuss the problems that have arisen during the reconstruction, as well as the upcoming tasks.
Within the framework of reconstruction of 220/110/6 kV "Ararat-2" substation, it is planned to carry out reconstruction and partial replacement of 220, 110 kV OSG, reconstruction of the 6 kV ISG building, replacement of cells, replacement of two autotransformers and two boost transformers, control room building and storage buildings reconstruction, modernization and digitization of RPA equipment and SCADA system, as well as improvement of the area, reconstruction of the fence, installation of video surveillance systems.
Within the framework of the project "Construction of Iran-Armenia 400 kV transmission line and the related substation (400/220/20 kV ”Noravan" substation), the concreting works of foundations of high voltage equipment and their erection works were completed, mainly have been imported low voltage equipment and relay protection automation equipment. Construction works of substation buildings and structures are in progress.
Within the framework of "Reconstruction of “Agarak-2" substation” project, 220 kV OSG has already been reconstructed, the 110 kV OSG and the 6 kV ISG’s have been built, the 110 kV and 6 kV equipment have been installed, adjusted and energized.
The 125 MVA autotransformer and the 6/6 kV boost transformer were also adjusted, tested and energized. Within the framework of the project, RPA equipment was adjusted and put under operation.
Landscaping works of the substation control building, 220 kV and 110 kV OSG are in progress.
The electrical installation and construction works, foreseen for the first and second stages of the 220/110/35/10/6 kV "Shinuhayr" substation reconstruction project have been completed and the works foreseen for the third stage have started (AT-2 and T-2 repair, Improvement of the area of 220 kV and 110 kV OSG, reconstruction of buildings, construction and repair of internal and external fences, etc). Equipment testing and adjustment works have been performed. Autotransformer N 3 and N 1, transformer N 2 and related equipment were tested and energized. Relay protection and automation equipment were also put under voltage.
Issues raised were discussed in detail at each substation.