
Progress of the Iran-Armenia 400 kV Overhead Transmission Line and Substation Construction Project Discussed in Tehran

A working group from the "High-Voltage Electric Networks" company, led by General Director Karen Hovhannisyan, was on a working visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran from June 2 to June 5.

During the visit to Tehran, representatives of the "High-Voltage Electric Networks" company and SUNIR International FZE discussed the progress of the Iran-Armenia 400 kV overhead transmission line and the corresponding substation construction project.

Several agreements were signed between the "High-Voltage Electric Networks" company and SUNIR International FZE to extend the project's financing deadlines until December 31, 2023.

As part of the visit, representatives of the "High-Voltage Electric Networks" company also visited the Iranian Pars Tablo factory, which manufactures secondary circuit equipment for the Noravan substation.

The Iran-Armenia 400 kV overhead transmission line and corresponding substation construction project hold strategic importance for the Republic of Armenia. The project's goal is to increase the electricity exchange capacity between Armenia and Iran from 350 MW to 1200 MW, enhance the reliability and stability of the parallel operation of the two countries' energy systems, improve Armenia’s energy security by strengthening the North-South energy corridor, and fully utilize the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline’s capacity within the framework of the "Gas-for-Electricity" program.

Reliable partner, reliable system

Credit and grant programs

Caucasus Transmission Network I-III (Armenia-Georgia Transmission Line/Substations) Project, financed by KfW Bank

“ Electricity Transmission Network Improvement’’ Loan Project Reconstruction of 220/110/6 kV «Ararat-2» substation

“Electricity Supply Reliability Project - Additional financing” LoanProject Reconstruction of “Vanadzor-1”, “ Charentsavan-3 ” “Zovuni” substations

“Construction of Iran-Armenia 400kV Power Transmission Line and Related Substation” (400/220/20kV «Noravan»)» Project


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