
Contract was signed on “Replacement of Lalvar-Noyemberyan 110 kV Transmission Lines”

“High Voltage Electric Networks” CJSC and “GAM Arak Industrial” company of Iran signed a Contract on August 11th on “Replacement of Lalvar-Noyemberyan 110 kV Transmission Lines” within the frameworks of “Electricity Supply Reliability” project, financed by the World Bank. The Contract was signed by the General Director of HVEN CJSC Aram Ananyan and Managing Director of “Gam Arak Industrial” company Nasrollah Rahnama.

The event was attended by Deputy Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Armenia Shahbaz Solbi, Counselor of the Embassy Abas Ghorbani, Trade Attaché Hmayak Avetisyan and Head of Investment Projects Department of Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Hayk Harutyunyan.  

The Iranian “Gam Arak Industrial” company has won the tender on selection of General Contractor regarding “Replacement of  Lalvar-Noyemberyan 110 kV Transmission Lines” with the value of 4 394 456, 24 (four million three hundred ninety-four thousand four hundred fifty-six point twenty four) US Dollars. The works on replacement of 110kV Lalvar-Noyemberyan transmission lines are foreseen to commence in July 2016 and finish in 2018. 

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Credit and grant programs

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